251 Jefferson Ln.
Ukiah, CA 95482
I have read and discussed Grace Hudson’s discipline policy with my child,
(Student’s Name)
(Parent’s or Guardian’s signature)
(Student’s signature)
Please read, sign and return this top signature sheet to Grace Hudson School.
Thank you.
Una versión de esta póliza de disciplina será disponible pronto. Si usted necesita una copia en español por favor de firmar abajo y regresarlo a la escuela.
Nombre de padre _____________________
Nombre de estudiante ____________________
Nombre de Maestra _____________________Grado ________________
At Grace Hudson Elementary, we live and learn in a community that cultivates respect for ourselves, for others, and for the environment. To accomplish this, Grace Hudson Elementary staff will provide a quality education for all students with an emphasis on bi-literacy, grade level standards, basic skills, positive social growth, and multicultural awareness and appreciation. All students will complete their education at Grace Hudson Elementary School having achieved success in speaking, reading, and writing in both Spanish and English as well as having acquired an appreciation of other cultures and an increase in self-esteem.
You can help us with the education of your children by doing the following:
- Encourage your children to read books, magazines or comic books, in both English and Spanish. Read to your children in your home language, that are not old enough to read well on their own.
- Limit the time that your children watch television, play video games and/or the use of technology.
- Make sure that your children do their homework.
- Make sure that your children get a good night of rest and they eat a good breakfast.
- Help your children develop good hygiene skills. Children that are clean and well dressed feel better about themselves.
- Help your children to respect other people by teaching them to be polite and nonviolent.
- Teach your children to be honest and helpful.
With your assistance we will be able to help your children become very successful students.
Grace Hudson Elementary School
Parent involvement can accelerate student achievement and enhance school programs. Our staff encourages parents to share their energy and talents to enrich our curriculum and programs. Dedicated parent volunteers continue to help provide opportunities for students to learn new skills and develop positive feelings of self worth. Please contact individual teachers if you are interested in offering assistance. In addition to volunteer work, there are two organized groups that provide a tremendous assistance to our school. If you would like to become a member of the SCHOOL SITE COUNCIL (SSC) or the PARENT TEACHER ORGANIZATION (PTO), please call the school for more information. Please check with the office for the district requirements to be a school volunteer or volunteer driver.
During school hours all visitors need to sign in at the office, no exceptions.
School Hours
School starts at 8:00 a.m. and is out at 2:30 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. On Wednesdays, school still starts at 8:00 a.m. and gets out at 1:07 p.m. No students are allowed before 7:30 a.m. and must be picked up promptly after school. School office hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Instructional Time
If you are picking your student up prior to school dismal please do not interrupt the class. Any student checked out of school early will need to take place through the school office. If you are picking up your student at the end of the school day please do not interrupt class the last couple of minutes by coming into the classroom unless prior arrangements have been made with the teacher of that class.
To reduce the amount of classroom interruptions, phone calls will not be transferred to the classroom. Please leave a message with the school office and it will be forwarded on.
If you are calling to leave a message for your student that changes their after school destination or person of pick up, please call the office before 11:45 a.m. to allow adequate time to deliver the message. Your help minimizing classroom interruption is appreciated.
State law does not credit our school for any kind of absence. However, we do track absences for truancy violations. Student absences will be excused for personal illness, medical services, bereavement due to a death in the immediate family (one day of services held in California and three days for serves held out of state) and religious holidays Excessive excused absences may result in a referral to the district’s School Attendance Review Board (SARB). If a student is suspended, the suspension day(s) are considered unexcused absence.
All other absences are unexcused, including but not limited to: missed the bus, parent or sibling illness, power failure, overslept, got pants muddy, car trouble, hair cuts, flat tire, personal family 4 business, babysitting, etc. Excessive unexcused absences may result in a referral to SARB. If a student is suspended, the suspension day(s) are considered unexcused absence.
We are also requesting that you call the school between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. on the day your child is absent. The Absent Student Call-in Program is primarily a safety measure to track our students more carefully. A call on the day of the absence will suffice for a note.
Requests for Independent Study must be received at least five days prior to the planned dates of absence and must be for a minimum of five school days. It is the student’s responsibility to pick up assignments from each teacher prior to beginning the independent study. On the day of the student’s return to school, all completed assignments are to be turned in to teachers. No work will be accepted after the first day back. Independent study is approved at the school site administrator’s discretion. Past unfilled independent study contracts may result in current request being declined.
State law requires a note or phone call from a parent/guardian for every school absence.
Parents are asked to call the school if their child will be absent from school. This helps us track students more efficiently. By working together, we can provide a safe environment for students. If a parent chooses not to call, the student must bring a note to the office, signed by the parent/guardian upon returning to school.
Your note should include the following:
- The student’s name
- Date(s) of absence
- Reason for absence (“out of town” or “appointment” will be an unexcused reason unless more explanation is provided).
- The teacher’s name or grade
- Your name and signature
Students who are absent for three (3) days or more may have their parent/guardian call the office to request work. Homework requested for absences will be available at the end of the following day.
Students are not allowed to leave school without a note unless accompanied by their Parent or Guardian. All students must check out with the office before leaving school.
Please notify the school immediately of any change in a student’s address or telephone number so that parents or other designated adults can be notified in case of emergency. The district ALL CALL system relies on our computer records for accuracy, when calling with important announcements for snow days or other events, both for the district and for our school.
Students may be excused from P.E. for a maximum of three consecutive days with a note from their parents. A note from a doctor is required for excusing a longer period of time. Any student excused from P.E. will also be expected to sit out recess time and after school sports.
Homework is considered a necessary and very valuable part of the learning process. At Grace Hudson Elementary School, we expect that parents be involved in homework in the following ways:
- Expecting that there is homework
- Asking about the assignment
- Providing a time and place for homework to be done
- Checking to see if the child understands the assignment
- Talking with the teacher if there are questions or problems.
We assign homework for these five reasons:
RESPONSIBILITY: To encourage student self-discipline and independence (do something at home and bring something back to school every day, according to directions)
PREPARATION: To help students prepare for the next day’s lesson (write questions for a discussion, bring materials)
PRACTICE: To review and reinforce what has been taught (list things at home that are circles, practice spelling words and math facts)
EXTENSION: To carry things learned in class to the next step (after studying bears in class, the students read something else about bears and report to the class)
CREATION: To encourage students to develop their own ideas related to a class topic (Design and make campaign buttons for your favorite candidate)
At Grace Hudson Elementary, we will continue the positive behavior intervention system. ( PBIS) Our school will have three rules “ Be responsible / Ser responsable, Be respectful/Ser respetuoso, and Be Safe/ Ser seguro. These rules will be consistent across all settings at school, however we are concentrating on the cafeteria, PE, recess and the bathrooms.
- Walk
- Stay seated
- Face the table that you are eating at
- Talk only to your speaking square
- Use regular inside voice
- Eat your own food
- Respond promptly to adult requests
- Respond to zero noise level signal
(peace sign)
- Throw away all trash in garbage bin
- Stack tray
- Recycle
- Wait to be excused
- Use equipment properly
- Stay in view of adults
- Freeze when the bell rings
- Walk when the whistle blows
- Take turns
- Open game
- Follow game rules
- Be a good sport
- Pick up litter
- Use garbage cans
- Use your words when problem solving
- Return equipment
- Use the bathroom
- Wash your hands
- Wait your turn
- Use quiet voices
- Honor privacy of others
- Flush toilet
- All trash in garbage can
- Report any issues
- Line up and wait for your PE teacher.
- Use equipment appropriately.
- Follow the directions from your PE teacher
- Be a good sport
- Follow the game rules
- Participate
- Return equipment
- Use the bathroom at the designated time
Teachers, support staff and myself will be explicitly teaching the behavior expectations. Students will be recognized with “ Bravoletos” , an incentive, in which they will be able to collect and use them on school and classroom rewards/celebrations when they demonstrate responsible, respectful and safe behavior. Please be sure to ask your child and their teacher about our “ Bravoletos” and our three school rules.
Students can receive Student Action Reports based on infractions of these three school rules; “ Be responsible / Ser responsable, Be respectful/Ser respetuoso, and Be Safe/ Ser seguro. Each Student Action Report may be sent home and parents will be asked to sign and return the slip to school the following day. These Student Action Reports could result in the following:
- Reminder of correct behaviors
- Verbal warnings
- Clarified how behavior didn’t meet expectations
- Provided a structured choice
- Conference with Student
- Identified/Changed environmental predictors
- Goal Setting
- Role Play
- Replacement behavior
- Contact parents
- Missed work sent home
**Please see the examples of consequences and disciplinary options that may be utilized within in the classrooms, playground and other various locations on the Grace Hudson Elementary School campus.
Levels of Consequences
Classroom Level interventions/consequences
Teachers use the following interventions to help the students change behavior in the classroom. If these interventions are successful, referral to the school administrator may not be necessary.
Verbal Warning
In-class time-out/Time out in another classroom
Letter of apology
Identified/Changed environmental predictors
Replacement Behavior
Loss of privileges
Reminder of correct behaviors
Role Play
Written reflection about incident
Seat change
Clarified how behavior didn’t meet expectations
Parent contact
Behavior contract/plan
Teacher conference with student
Provided structured choice
Student Action Report
Appropriate when Level 1 intervention/consequence has been ineffective
Teachers use the following interventions to help the students change behavior in the classroom. In some cases, referral to the school administrator may be necessary.
Parent/guardian involvement
Phone call/letter to parent or guardian
CARE TEAM Referral
Student Action Report
Confiscation of item
Parent or guardian accompany student
Supervised time-out outside of classroom to school or classes
Conference with parent or guardian
Community Service
Behavior contract/plan
Campus Beautification
Teacher and/or administrator conference with student and/or parent
Goal Setting Counseling group intervention
Appropriate when Level 2 intervention/consequence has been ineffective
Parent/guardian involvement
Phone call/letter to parent or guardian
CARE TEAM Referral
Parent or guardian accompany student
Supervised time-out outside of classroom to school or classes
Conference with parent or guardian
Community Service
Behavior contract/plan
Campus Beautification
Teacher and/or administrator conference with student and/or parent
Goal Setting Counseling group intervention
Appropriate when Level 3 intervention/consequence has been ineffective
Office referral required
Parent/guardian notification required
Suspension (6-10 days)
Referral to outside services
Restricted activity
Modified school day
Appropriate when Level 4 intervention/consequence has been ineffective
Office referral required
Parent/guardian notification required
Extended Suspension (10+ days)
Appropriate when Level 5 intervention/consequence has been ineffective
Office referral required
Parent/guardian notification required
Expulsion (to be considered only in the most extreme cases)
After three Student Action Reports, the student may be sent to the principal’s office. The parent will receive a phone call home and the student, based on the citations, will be given a service task. The service task will be based on the behavior on the citations. This could be cleaning up in the cafeteria if they were throwing food or being unkind and having to help kindergarten students.
All rules and regulations at Grace Hudson Elementary School follow the guidelines of the Education Code of the State of California, local laws and Discipline Policy as set forth by the Ukiah Unified Board of Trustees. Grace Hudson students must follow the basic rules of good manners and respect for students and adults.
Grace Hudson Elementary School recognizes the harmful effects of bullying on student learning and school attendance and desires to provide safe school environments that protect students from physical and emotional harm. District employees shall establish student safety as a high priority and shall not tolerate bullying of any student. No student or group of students shall, through physical, written, verbal, or other means, harass, sexually harass, threaten, intimidate, cyberbully, cause bodily injury to, or commit hate violence against any other student or school personnel.
Strategies for bullying prevention and intervention shall be developed with involvement of key stakeholders in accordance with law, Board policy, and administrative regulation governing the development of comprehensive safety plans and shall be incorporated into such plans.
Bullying Prevention
To the extent possible, district and school strategies shall focus on prevention of bullying by establishing clear rules for student conduct and strategies to establish a positive, collaborative school climate. Students shall be informed, through student handbooks and other appropriate means, of district and school rules related to bullying, mechanisms available for reporting incidents or threats, and the consequences for perpetrators of bullying.
If you are being bullied:
- Tell someone-a parent, a teacher, a counselor
- Try not to show anger or fear
- Calmly tell the student to stop, or say nothing and walk away
- Try to avoid situations where bullying is likely to happen
If you know someone who is being bullied…
- If you feel safe, tell the bully to stop
- Say kind words to the student being a bullied- Be a friend!
- Don’t encourage the bully by laughing or joining in
- Tell other bystanders how to help stop bullying
- Tell an adult
- Encourage the bullied student to talk to someone about what happened
Maintaining a safe school environment requires that all students use good judgment and display appropriate behavior. All students are expected to act in a manner that will not harm themselves or others. Students are also expected to refrain from disturbing classroom activities. Any behavior that may interfere with a teacher’s instruction or others’ learning is unacceptable. All school rules and regulations apply to the after-school program and activities held off campus.
All students should be familiar with the following basic rules:
- Be courteous and considerate. Respect adults, other students, and property.
- Be prepared for class with all necessary materials and stay on task.
- Always walk when in the classroom and school buildings.
- Refrain from pushing or playing at the drinking fountains and hydration station.
- Refrain from spitting (including water from the drinking fountains).
- Name calling, teasing, intimidating, threats and put-downs are not allowed.
- Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself at all times.
- Please throw litter trash in the garbage cans.
- Follow the directions of all the teachers and staff members.
- Students are to remain on school grounds at all times.
- Bicycles, skateboards, scooters and roller blades cannot be ridden anywhere on campus.
- Refrain from playing inside or around the bathrooms, corridors or hallways.
- An adult must bring all medications, in their original container, to the office and a medication form must be filled out by the doctor and signed by the parent.
- Stay out of the parking areas or bus loading areas unless you are safely loading or unloading from a vehicle.
- Listen quietly and follow directions in an orderly manner during emergency situations or drills. NO TALKING DURING FIRE, EARTHQUAKE, AND OTHER EMERGENCY DRILLS.
Grace Hudson Elementary Playground Rules
- “Freeze” when the bell rings. Students wait for teacher on duty to blow the whistle, and then WALK to class.
- Please keep all personal footballs, basketballs, and soccer balls etc. at home
- Refrain kicking balls on the blacktop.
- Slamball will be played with soft balls only, no soccer or basketballs.
- Refrain from rock throwing, please leave rocks on the ground.
- Refrain from interfering with games or activities of others.
- Practice good sportsmanship-no swearing, yelling, or arguing about games. Refrain from fighting or rough play. Have fun! If you’re not, play something else!
- Football (no tackle football), soccer, and softball are to be played on the field.
- Eating snacks is allowed on the cement wall directly in front of “D” building or at the tables. Finish your food before you go play.
- Refrain from “wandering” the hallways. Students need to be on the playground in the designated supervised areas.
- Stay out of the puddles when it rains.
- Stay off the grass on wet days.
- Absolutely no playing in the restroom!
- Students are not allowed in classrooms during recess unless given permission by their teacher.
- Play fair, follow the rules, and listen to the judge or line leader.
- Play safe on the swings. If students are waiting to use them, please share after a 100 count.
- Use swings and playground equipment properly. Do not climb or "bail out” of the swings. Avoid climbing, laying on or pulling on the soccer goal nets.
- Students are not to run down the hill from the upper campus to the lower campus.
- Always request permission from a teacher or yard supervisor before going to the office.
- Staff on playground duty has the right to make temporary changes to rules as the need arises.
- Have Fun!!!
- The ball must hit ground, hit board, hit ground then be hit by player.
- Court nearest to swing area is for beginners only.
- Players waiting – must stand behind line – not on board.
- If ball is hit and goes out of the white boundary lines, the player who hit the ball is out.
- Server needs to serve ball correctly, only three “no takers” are allowed on serve.
We appreciate your support of our school rules, which helps our school staff provide a safe and productive learning environment for your child.
Radios, tape players, CD players, MP3 players, iPods, digital cameras, audio and/or visual recording devices and any other such technological or electronic devices as well as electronic games are not allowed at school. If these items are brought to school they will be confiscated, and a parent will be asked to pick them up at school. Students will be subject to disciplinary action.
Possession of a laser pointer on a school campus or during a school function is a violation of state law. Pointing a laser light at someone is a violation of penal code. A laser pointer is considered a “dangerous object” and possession/misuse can lead to expulsion.
Personal toys and games (electronic or otherwise), skateboards etc. are to be left at home. Such items leading to distraction in classes or on campus will be confiscated and/or parents will be called to come and take them home.
The district or school assumes no obligation for lost, stolen or damaged items left unattended. It is recommended that coats, hats, jackets, shoes, baseball gloves, etc. be labeled with permanent marker to cut down on the incidence of lost articles.
Multiple violations may result in increased disciplinary action including, but not limited to, suspension.
Although we are sympathetic to parents who want their children to have cell phones as a means of keeping in touch with them, the use of cell phones on campus while school is in session is prohibited. Electronic signaling devices and cell phones shall be turned off before school, during school hours and after school while students are still on campus, and any other time as directed by a school employee. If a disruption occurs, the employee may direct the student to turn off the device and confiscate the device. They are not to be out for any reason and there are no exceptions. Students may possess electronic signaling devices, including but not limited to pagers, beepers, and cellular/digital telephones, provided that such devices do not disrupt the educational program or school activity.
Cell phones and like devices should NOT to be out, turned on, heard or used on this campus anywhere (including bathrooms) while the school day is in session. This includes before school, during class, passing time between recess, P.E., lunch and after school, while the student is still on campus. Cell phone violations may result in suspension from school. The district or school is not responsible for lost or stolen personal electronic signaling devices, including but not limited to pagers, beepers and cellular/digital telephones.
The purpose of a student dress and grooming regulations is to encourage students to come to school properly attired to participate in the educational process or a school sponsored activity. A student may not remain in the classroom dressed in a manner that (1) creates a safety hazard, (2) constitutes a distraction to the learning process, (3) disrupts the campus order, or (4) conflicts with the policy or regulations regarding the prevention of substance abuse and gang activity.
Students are required to wear the school uniform. The following uniform guidelines should be followed:
- White or dark green shirts, collared preferred. Khaki bottoms.
- No shirts with a logo, unless it is the official Grace Hudson logo.
- Hats may be worn when not inside.
- Shoes must be worn at all times and be appropriate for P.E.
- Shirts are to be long enough to cover the stomach. Shorts and skirts are to be at least as long as extended fingertips when arms are down at sides.
- Grade Hudson prohibits the use of any gestures or the wearing of any apparel, jewelry, or accessory which disrupts the educational process or is associated with a group whose pattern of activity intimidates others or is associated with violence or hatred.
- Blue or red belts are not allowed. The end of the belt shall not extend more than three inches beyond the belt’s buckle and will be tucked into the belt loops.
These regulations shall be in effect at all school related activities unless otherwise announced by the principal. Administrators, teachers, and coaches may impose more stringent dress requirements to accommodate the special needs of certain sports, classes, and extracurricular school activities.
In case of questionable dress and/or grooming not covered by the guidelines, the site administrator will determine the appropriateness and make the final decision. The following consequences are necessary to implement the seriousness of the Dress Code. Continued defiance in ignoring the will result in increased disciplinary action.